Friday, December 16, 2011

Deep vs. Shallow

Have you ever tried to pull up a tree stump? It's not easy, depending on the size. You have to dig around it and dig through the little holes under the roots, and you have to cut some places to loosen it up; it is quite the workout if it is a large tree. It's so hard because the roots are spread out in a wide area under the ground and you have to dig it all up. The more spread out the roots are, the bigger the tree and the harder it is to pull it up. On the other hand, the smaller the roots, the less spread out they are, and the easier they are to pull it up. Now that you know a little bit about trees, exciting as they are, let us tie that in to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A person with little faith, with a small root system in the gospel, will fall away into darkness easier than one with great faith and a large root system. As we exercise our faith, as we ponder the words of life, and as we come unto Christ, our root system will grow. As we fall into temptation, as we turn away from the Light of Christ, and as we ignore the promptings of the Holy Ghost, our roots will wither away. If we are strong in our faith, we will be strengthened, for "when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo" (Helamen 5:12).

I know that as our faith grow deeper and deeper in the gospel of Christ, it will be harder and harder for the adversary to uproot us. Let us continue to nourish our faith, that it may "be a tree springing up unto everlasting life" (Alma 32:41).

My love,
Elder Brennan Edwards

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Inch by Inch

I was a football player for 7 years. Man, did I love football! I loved the physicality of it, the mental toughness, the Friday night games under the lights, it was all just amazing! Nothing felt better than going out against a rival team and butting heads and digging within yourself for that extra push and coming out on top.

Now, when you look a little deeper into what football really is and what it takes to win; it's pretty simple. The team that  pushed harder and made the right decisions usually scores more points. It is a game of inches. Inch by inch, foot by foot, and yard by yard is the game won. Those inches can make all the difference in a tight game; believe me, I've been there.

 The same can be said for the gospel. The slightest "inches" so to speak, can make all the difference! We read in Alma 37:6-7, "by small and simple things are great things come to pass... and by very small means the Lord... bringeth about salvation of many souls." This is a significant statement! The gospel is SIMPLE. All that we need to do is to have faith, repent of our sins, be baptized by the Priesthood authority, recieve the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end. The gospel is a game of inches. We move forward slowly, but surely; inch by inch. As we continue to strive to move forward, we will acheive eternal life. We don't have to take leaps and bounds, although that does happen. Sometimes a team wins by throwing a bomb into the end zone which is miraculously caught... but it doesn't happen often. It is also way too easy to make the smallest mistake which then can lose the game. We cannot let ourselves get discouraged by the inches that drive us back; you CAN come back and win. Football teams lose because they get discouraged at the LITTLE mistakes. Do not let that happen. Just like we learn from Alma, "by small and simple things are great things come to pass." Don't let yourself get beat up because you aren't taking huge steps, feel joy when you make the smallest improvement. Afterall, isn't the gospel about progression no matter how big or how small?

With love,
Elder Brennan Edwards

Friday, September 30, 2011


Why did Heavenly Father provide a Savior for us? Why did Jesus Christ, then He was Jehovah, accept the call to suffer for all of mankind's sins? Why do we have the Plan of Salvation? These are a few questions that boil down to 4 letters: LOVE.

If we look deep within ourselves, love is the ultimate motivating factor why we try to live a Christlike life, why we go to church, and why we keep the commandments. Jesus Christ suffered for ALL of us because he loves us, and He wants us to be clean, happy, and return to live with Him and the Father after this life. Because of love for us, Christ sweat great drops of blood for every one of us specifically. As we feel the love of Christ and Heavenly Father in our lives, that love is reflected towards others. Our countenance will shine bright with the love of God.

My life has changed because of the love that my Heavenly Father has for me. I know that Jesus suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane for me, personally, because He loves me. Heavenly Father has provided a way for me, one of His children, to be completely clean and return to live with Him in the Celestial Kingdom. I have NO REASON  to fear because I have God on my side. We cannot allow the adversary to enter into our lives and distill fear, discouragement, or doubt. Satan wants us to feel unloved, but, GOD IS GOOD and He will forgive us of our mistakes through the Atonement of Christ. Why? BECAUSE HE LOVES US. In our darkest times, when we feel the most sorrow, when doubt creeps in, remember; YOU are a child of a LOVING Heavenly Father. "I KNOW IN WHOM I HAVE TRUSTED" (2 Nephi 4:19). Don't fear. Don't doubt. Don't forget.

Elder Brennan Edwards

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Focus on the Mark

Too many times, we overlook the point of being active in church and even more specifically, the gospel. Unfortunately there are some who expend energy on certain gospel principles, whether to build them up or to use them against the church. In either case, it is not healthy for you testimony, and it is looking beyond the mark. The Lord has reveled to us about gospel doctrines, "whosoever declareth more or less than this, the same is not of me" (D&C10:58). We are given simple principles for a reason, not to add to them or make up our own doctrine, but so that we can understand and then follow them. Whenever we try to add on to a principle and elevate it so that it seems more important than other doctrines, or when we take a position contrary to the leaders of the church, we are looking beyond the mark. There are many other ways in which we can miss the point of the gospel such as consecrating our time and efforts upon a condition, instead of consecrating everything to the Lord unconditionally; and we look beyond the mark when we create rules that are not rooted in doctrine. So then the question comes up, what is the mark and what is the point?

The mark is Christ. He taught simple and plain truths so that we can understand His gospel and learn the way to eternal life. When we look beyond the mark and when we miss the point, we look beyond Christ. The Jews missed the point during Christ's ministry and they looked past the rock upon which they should build their foundation. The church, after Christ's death and resurrection, began to look beyond the mark and in effect, it crumbled and the world went into a long period of apostacy. There is a talk "Looking Beyond the Mark" by Elder Quinten L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and I want to finish by quoting him, "One of the great challenges of this life is to accept Christ for who He is: the resurrected Savior of the world, our Redeemer, our Lord and Master, our Advocate with the Father. When He is the foundation for all that we do and are, we avoid the theological blindness that results from looking beyond the mark, and we reap the glorious blessings He has promised us. “Come unto me, ye blessed,” He tells those who follow Him; “there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father” (Enos 1:27)." I know that if we focus on the mark, which is Christ, we will have a solid foundation, our testimonies will be strengthened, and we will be able to stand against Satan and his angels.

With love,
Elder Brennan Edwards

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2000 Stripling Warriors

Today I want to talk about an event that took place in the Book of Mormon. It is the story of the Stripling Warriors. The word "stripling" means young, around the early to mid teenage years. These young men were of such age. The story takes place in the midst of a war between the Lamanites and the Nephites. These young men volunteer to go to war because their parents and the older men of their people have entered into a covenant with God to not take up arms against anyone. It was left to their sons to fight and aid the Nephites.

What COURAGE and FAITH it must have taken for these extremely young men to leave their families to fight for the liberty of their people! "They were men of TRUTH and SOBERNESS for they have been taught to keep the commandments of God and to walk uprightly before Him." The respect and admiration I have for these young men is immense. They were willing to die for the cause of liberty, the cause of family and the cause of God.

It was now time to put their faith and courage to the test. They went to battle against a very large army of Lamanites, much larger than their small band of 2000. When Helaman asks his "sons" if they should go to battle, the answer that was given are some of the most inspiring words that I have ever heard, especially from the mouths of such young men. They answered saying, "Father, behold our God is with us and he will not suffer that we should fall; them let us go forth; we would not slay our brethren if they would let us alone." (Alma 56:46)

These young men have never fought before, and "yet they did not fear death" (Alma 56:47). Have you ever seen so great courage? They were selfless; they thought more "upon the liberty of their fathers" than their lives (Alma 56:47). What even amazes me further is this is how they were taught by their mothers. Their mothers taught them that, "if they did not doubt, God would deliver them." These sons did not doubt, they also "[did] not doubt [their] mothers knew it" (Alma 56:47-48). They went to battle, and not ONE stripling warrior was lost.

  I know that God keeps his promises to us. If we live according to the commandments that we are given, we too will become as these young stripling warriors. We will be delivered from adversity, we will overcome temptation, and we will triumph over the adversary. I am grateful for the knowledge that I have received from my loving parents, it is invaluable. I, like the stripling warriors, DO NOT DOUBT that my parents know of these things. I know with a deep conviction that God lives, His Son, Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world and that through Him, we can obtain "never ending happiness" (Mosiah 2:41), forgiveness of our sins, and eternal life.

With love,
Elder Brennan Edwards

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Fruits of the Spirit

"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, [and] temperance..." (Galatians 5). Have you ever experienced these feelings before? I know that I have, especially when I read the scriptures, pray, and while attending church. These are feelings that the Spirit gives to us. But, what really is the role of the Holy Ghost?

We know that the Holy Ghost is the 3rd member of the Godhead, and that he doesn't have a body so that he can dwell within us; but most importantly, the Holy Ghost testifies of Jesus Christ and God the Father. In essence, the Spirit testifies of truth. It is by the feelings of the Holy Ghost that we gain our testimonies and come to a knowledge that the Church of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth. As we strive to gain knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ, true understanding comes through the Holy Ghost. When we read the scriptures, we need to pray for understanding so that we can be taught by the Spirit so that we might gain a deeper understanding of what we are reading. As we pray for the Spirit to be with us, we will be filled with the "fruits of the Spirit," and we will find truth.

I have gained a testimony of the Book of Mormon through the feelings that I have received from the Holy Ghost. I have been guided many times in my life by that gift that can only be attained through the sacred ordinance of baptism. I know that Christ lives, and that His church has been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. I have gained this witness through the powerful feelings of the Holy Ghost. As I read the scriptures and ponder their messages, I feel the confirming power of the Holy Ghost that the Book of Mormon is, indeed, true. I invite all who read this blog to strive to find that witness through the Spirit, and those who have already received it, get a refresher and do it again. We need to constantly nourish our faith and our testimonies, if we don't, they are in danger of "being hewn down" (Alma 32). I love you all and I hope that we can continue to nourish and strengthen our faith and strive to enjoy the companionship of the Holy Ghost in our lives.

With love,
Elder Brennan Edwards

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Overcoming the Original Sin

Hello all! Today, I wanted to touch on something that I encounter every day, pride. Pride is a "comparison" sin. As President Uchtdorf put it in his talk in the October 2010 General Conference, "pride is the sin of self elevation." I know that to be true.Too often in the scriptures do we find those who are "lifted up in the pride of their hearts." They set their hearts upon riches and worldly material that they harden their hearts against the Spirit of the Lord and to the gospel. An entire nation was destroyed in the Book of Mormon because of their pride. Their focus was on riches and fame, and not the Kingdom of God.

We are all victim at some point or another to pride. How do we stay away from this "original sin" that we are so naturally filled with? Is it any surprise that the answer is Jesus Christ? He is the ultimate example of humility. There is "opposition in all things" (2 Nephi 2) so as we have pride, there is also humility. Jesus Christ submitted to the Father's will, and He was obedient in all that He was commanded.

So how do we become humble like the Savior? Charity. President Uchtdorf says in his talk, "it is almost impossible to be lifted up in pride when our hearts are full of charity" (Pride and the Priesthood). As an apostle once said, "humility is not thinking less of ourselves, it is thinking less about ourselves." As we fill our hearts with charity, the pure love of Christ, we will become humble. We will be able to avoid that all destroying sin of pride. Let us become humble as a little child for there's is the kingdom of heaven. Let us serve others and follow the example of the Savior, we will become humble, we will conquer pride, and we will be filled with the Spirit. I love you all and I hope that we can become filled with the pure love of Christ to overcome the pride of the world.

With love,
Elder Brennan Edwards

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Our Rock, Our Redeemer

Something that we are surrounded with every day is temptation and sin. The standards of the world have slowly slid from high to low, and they continue to sink into the pits of filth, immorality, and uncleanliness. How can we stay above these gross waters? How can we build up our standards so that we can't be trapped in Satan's snares? How can we be an example to those around us? The answer is simple; Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the answer, but how is He the answer? We read in the Book of Mormon in Helamen 5:12

"And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall."

We must build our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. If we have a foundation based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, we will be able to overcome anything that the world, and more specifically, Satan, throws at us. However, we all have our weaknesses. Some of you might be thinking that there are some things in the world that you just can't give up; whether they be alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. It may not even be those substances, whatever they may be, there is a way to escape. That foundation, if it is based upon Christ, will give you the power to crush Satan and his followers. If you build your faith in Christ by reading the scriptures, praying, and living His teachings, I promise you that you "cannot fall." I invite you to put your faith and trust in the Lord, and as you do so you will receive all that you need to endure to the end so that you may be received into Heaven and dwell in a state of never ending happiness (Mosiah 2:41). I know that this is true, my foundation is built upon a rock, who is Christ, and He gives me the strength daily to overcome my greatest weaknesses. He can, and is more than willing to do the same for you, if you just put your faith and trust in Him.

With love,
Elder Brennan Edwards

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Let's Get Started!

Well, I am new at this whole blogging thing, but I will try my best to edify all those who read and follow it. For my first post, I find it only natural to talk about myself and my faith in the Savior, Jesus Christ. I grew up mostly in Ohio, and lived in Brussels, Belgium for the last 3 years of high school. After I graduated, I attended Brigham Young University in Provo, UT.

I grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but that is not to mean that I always believed it was the only true and living church. Most of my life I haven't had any particular view on religion and I was just casual about it. As a result of my lack of faith and knowledge about Jesus Christ, I made many poor choices during my high school years that resulted in my own unhappiness and sometimes failure. However, this in turn led me back to the Savior. I had a sincere desire to change my bad habits and try to become as much like the Savior as I could. It all started with reading and praying abou the Book of Mormon; I figured it couldn't hurt. Over time, my attitude changed, I wanted to keep the commandments, and I felt the Spirit in my life. Oh what a change it was! I have never experienced such happiness since I have been active in the gospel of Jesus Christ. This led me to want to share the happiness and joy that I have recieved with my brothers and sisters in the world and I decided to serve a 2-year mission. 

My love of the Savior has grown immensly since I have been on my mission. His atoning sacrifice is for EVERYONE. It can cleanse us all, if we just turn our hearts to Him. He suffered and died for each and every one of us because he loves us, and He wants us to find happiness in this life. I know that this is true without a shadow of a doubt. I also know that the Book of Mormon is, indeed, the word of God. If we will but read it with an open heart we WILL come closer to Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father and our lives will be blessed!

With love,
Elder Brennan Edwards