Why did Heavenly Father provide a Savior for us? Why did Jesus Christ, then He was Jehovah, accept the call to suffer for all of mankind's sins? Why do we have the Plan of Salvation? These are a few questions that boil down to 4 letters: LOVE.
If we look deep within ourselves, love is the ultimate motivating factor why we try to live a Christlike life, why we go to church, and why we keep the commandments. Jesus Christ suffered for ALL of us because he loves us, and He wants us to be clean, happy, and return to live with Him and the Father after this life. Because of love for us, Christ sweat great drops of blood for every one of us specifically. As we feel the love of Christ and Heavenly Father in our lives, that love is reflected towards others. Our countenance will shine bright with the love of God.
My life has changed because of the love that my Heavenly Father has for me. I know that Jesus suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane for me, personally, because He loves me. Heavenly Father has provided a way for me, one of His children, to be completely clean and return to live with Him in the Celestial Kingdom. I have NO REASON to fear because I have God on my side. We cannot allow the adversary to enter into our lives and distill fear, discouragement, or doubt. Satan wants us to feel unloved, but, GOD IS GOOD and He will forgive us of our mistakes through the Atonement of Christ. Why? BECAUSE HE LOVES US. In our darkest times, when we feel the most sorrow, when doubt creeps in, remember; YOU are a child of a LOVING Heavenly Father. "I KNOW IN WHOM I HAVE TRUSTED" (2 Nephi 4:19). Don't fear. Don't doubt. Don't forget.
Elder Brennan Edwards
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